“We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it”
There are times in life when statements are made, things are done, ideas are posed, that make you scratch your head and say, "What the crap just happened?"  Like the woman I heard at the grocery store telling her (maybe) six year old daughter, "You hit your brother again I'm gonna slap you silly;" or, back when I was a waiter, this guy brings his family of five in to eat after church, then stiffs me on the tip because "I don't believe you should be working on the Lord's day."  Now, those two examples are boldly obvious in the paradoxes they create.  Violence as a means to stop violence, and forcing someone to work but refusing to pay them because it's Sunday.  However, every single day I see a statement made by a prominent politician, whether it be in the paper, on TV, on the 'Net, that completely contradicts the norm, that is so outlandish I'm stuck wondering what they smoked right before they talked, that defies common sense in general.

Look at Ms Pelosi here, telling the American people that they are not allowed to know what is in the Affordable Health Care Act until it passes.  Excuse me?  Parents out there:  Do you tell your kid "yes" so that you can find out what he/she is going to ask?  Workers out there:  Do you let your boss tell you that you have to do the job before you can find out how much pay you'll receive?  Teachers:  Must you give your students a good grade so that they can turn in their assignments?  You get the point.

Now, many times the paradoxes created by the words of our current political heroes are blatant, obvious, and horrifyingly bad.  But sometimes, they are not so conspicuous.  You may have to look past what you read at the Huffington Post or what you see on FOX News to get to the meat of the matter.  So, here's the plan.  As I see 'em, I'm going to call 'em.  Sometimes, it will be a politician.  Sometimes, it will be a war of ideas.  And sometimes, it will be an everyday joe that I believe represents a good portion of the population.  If contradictory thinking or outright hypocrisy exists, I will sniff it out.  If the "truth" is not accurate, then I will expose the lie.  Either way, I hope you find it enjoyable, and I look forward to your feedback.

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    Eric Morris

    Ordinary guy.  Halfway through a rags to riches story...if I can keep DC out of my life long enough.


    April 2013
    July 2012

